
About me

A life of adventure and art

I was born to working class parents in the industrial North in post-war England. Seeing an opportunity to provide us with a better life, they decided to move the family to Peru where I spent a rough-and-tumble childhood between two worlds: the bustling metropolis of coastal Lima and the highlands to the South on the outskirts of Arequipa where the majestic Misti, an active volcano, watched over us. These dramatic contrasts of geographies, cultures and languages influenced me in ways I am still exploring today through my art in my seventh decade of life.

I hope you enjoy my work and that it brings you as much emotion as it has brought me in its creation.

My twin sister Patricia (far left) and me (far right) in Peru posing with some friends

My twin sister Patricia (far left) and me (far right) in Peru posing with some friends